- Slider Components
Hierarchy of slider elements
- Layer Grid
Parent Container of all content
- Layer Grid Vs. Slider
Interaction Layer grid and slider size
Slider Setup
- Slider Types
Standard, Hero Block, Carousel
- Slider Layouts
Auto Responsive, Fullwidth, FullScreen
- Advanced Sizing
Grid Size, Aspect Ratio, Min. Height, Responsive Levels
Slider Settings
- Layouts & Sizing
sliderType, sliderLayout, responsiveLevels & more
- Progressing
delay, disableProgressBar, startDelay & etc.
- Lazy Loading
- Appearance and Visibility
dottedOverlay, shadow, spinner & etc.
- General Settings
debugMode, extensions, extensions_suffix & etc.
- Parallax Effect
parallax type, level, origo & etc.
- Carousel Settings
horizontal_align, vertical_align, infinity & etc.
- Navigation Settings
keyboardNavigation, arrows, bullets, thumbnails, tabs & etc.
Individual Slide Setup
- Slide Basics
Markup, Settings Overview
- Slide Types
Image, Video, Solid Color, Transparent
- Link & SEO
- Ken Burns Effect
- Parallax Effect
- Easing Table
- Transition Table
Individual Slide Content
- Layer Basics
Layer Markup, Settings Overview
- Layer Types
HTML, Image, Video, Shape, Button
- Static Layers
- Layer Hyperlink Traditional
- Parallax Effect
- Layer Actions
Syntax, Action Links, Play, Pause, Toggle etc.
- Layer Animations
Idle, hover, “in”, “out”, mask
- Layer Loop Animations
Basics, types